Tuesday, January 8, 2008


With the recent harvesting of downed branches due to the ice storm, our yard looks like that of an Alaskan backwoodsman. I've got 4 seperate wood piles.
Sycamore, birch, hickory , cotton wood, hackberry, elm and some unidentified wood chunks make for an interesting display.The one organized stack is 5 feet tall and 10 feet long. The three other piles look like driftwood piled up on a creek bed after a big flood. The neighborhood squirrels are elated!
So now it's a matter of waiting for inspiration to cut the logs down to size and haul them a couple hundred feet to the back yard. I'm thinking maybe next fall. I have a feeling Brenda's going to encourage me to become inspired in the near future.
If anyone wants to come get a truckload, I'll round up a crew to help you load it.

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