Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Like Clockwork

Here's the annual photo of crocus. They just popped up today. A year ago we were being buried under a blizzard of snow and the temps were getting ready to drop to all-time lows. Today, sunny,sixty+degrees. Oh, what a difference a year makes!


Hawk said...

I'm trying to enjoy this warm weather, but I wouldn't mind a two week stretch where we are reminded that it is still winter.

equineobsessed said...

I'm OK w/o winter..... And Now Lets Go Daffadils.

lemonade said...

If on the 15th day there was a money back guarantee to turn nice again, then I would be with Hawk making snow angels or our N.Western rainy version for 2 weeks as we are only at 79% avg. rainfall. A sloppy spring is still possible though based on patterns observed in the past 11 years, so... when the sun is out, time to play!
We have a plum tree that has just blossomed similarly "right on time."

nuh dah ay gay he said...

john got bit by a mosquito wednesday evening in our yard. crazy. i am not a fan of cold. but i say let those suckers freeze

Greenrok said...

Oh man, I love this "winter" bring on six more weeks of this. But please give us a cold snap, the ticks here will be insane in the membrane here if we don't get some hard core temps soon.

pakrboy said...

I'm with you, MO. No amount of comfy weather is worth the price of dealing with disease laden vampires. Bring on the ice & snow!