Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I love technology. It allows us to exchange information, ideas and even money with a few keystrokes and a click of the mouse. Unfortunately, technology failed me the past couple of days as my modem finally bit the dust. But today technology shines again. A new modem in place and an itch to get going, I'm back at the keyboard again. Yee-Haah!...If I haven't already sent you an invite to post on "As Crows Fly" please let me know...by the way DG, your invite was sent with great gladness in my heart!


Greenrok said...

Hi Steve-O, would love an invite to your 2cnd blog. Jade

P.S. along the technological artistic them check this artist out:

Peter Funch"Danish photographer Peter Funch stakes out a New York City street corners for two weeks at a time, taking pictures of passersby from the very same spot. He then uses Photoshop to composite the results into single images.", (From Boing Boing Blog)

tinman said...

Hey Jade, sent you an invite last night, let me know if you didn't get it. I came across that gallery while 'stumbling'. The images look like painstakingly directed scenes for a movie. Love the idea. Can only imagine the tedious hours piecing it all together but sometimes the work is part of the reward.

Greenrok said...

Thanks Steve, for some reason the invite isn't making it through the forest of servers (ughh). Here's another one I found very rewarding, RZA, Bloods, Crips (again a sprout from boing boing)

AEG said...

I really enjoyed looking at the Peter Funch project.
Please sign me up to the 2nd blog. Thanks!