Saturday, October 11, 2008


By this time last year we had not captured or tagged a single Monarch butterfly, but as of today the wildorbanranchcrew has captured and tagged 50 Monarchs and we have an order in for 50 more tags. Today we tagged 8 butterflies at Jim Orban's preserve, while examining various species of fauna and flora. By the way, happy 84 to "The Old Man"!


Cara O. said...

I rescind my comment about no monarchs in Tulsa - I have seen them in droves this past week. Glad to see they are having a robust migration year.

nuh dah ay gay he said...

that is neat. i have seen a couple floating by way high and even that is kind of exciting(i want to see droves!) saw dad yesterday and he sure liked the tagging. he also said he may move to mexico at 5 bucks a butterfly!