Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sometimes it seems like...

thanks for keepin' the blog alive. Sorry to hear about your troubles, glad to hear you're dealing with 'em. Sometimes it's a good kick in the ass to know you're not suffering alone. Talked to 'Hawk" yesterday; they finally got power back on and "prairie" is home for a visit. The rhythm of the season has been bent but not broken; we're trying to get back on track...finally have a tree in the house and made fudge and cookie dough last night. Unfortunately C's mom is in hospital with broken hip so we'll have another strange holiday. Thanks for all b-day thoughts and wishes and by the way Wild Horse Feed & Seed has received the package...thanks babbling brook!


Running-Water said...

Jabberwocky here- acknowledging wild feed- 1 of 2 accounted for, next up Bales of Kale- best wishe's to mom-in-law for a complete and healthy recovery (though recovery seems to entail both those adjectives) And peppermint flavored icicles for everyone because its that time of year and I just drank two cups of hazelnut coffee, yippee!
Snow level dropping to 1,500 feet...

Running-Water said...

We could start a pretty funny song where everybody offered up something crappy that is going down this holiday and surely we could get 12 days out of it- my offerings would be 1) in preparation for Bev.'s sister, then mom and pop visiting we ripped up some old carpet to find last year's roof leak caused major water damage and mildew- 2) I poisoned a rat a couple weeks ago and it crawled behind the wall and is overpowering the wonderful scent of our Tannenbaum- the classic carol; O Christmas tree, turns to a lament; "O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum..."

Running-Water said...

And I think the dog's name was "Snot" !

Greenrok said...

Oh man you've got me in stiches, I forgot his name was snot somehow that mix with the rat smell is cutting me up. Kieara made it in today. Choppin wood and hanging ornaments with irish creme, champagne congnac, and eggnog winking at me in the corner of my eye.

Things are coming together. Peace

Greenrok said...

Great song Tin. Nail on the head. Thanks.