Monday, December 17, 2007

Birthday Girls

We survived the storm and celebrate in style with lots and lots of sugar. Of course the twins don't need any more sugar as they are quite sweet enough. Here's a few photos from years past...time sure flies!


Cara O. said...

Oh my goodness, those girls with their mohawks are too darn cute. They cannot possibly be 9 years old. And Uncle Steve is almost 30! Time does fly...

Running-Water said...

Hey, thanks for the post- do you remember, it must have been Dec. 1998 about 9:30, or 10ish in the a.m.. I had moved into my folks house in Ohio between jobs and was waiting around that morning to hear about a potential interview for work. The phone rang and it was you calling to announce the wonderful news of two healthy baby girls. Your voice sounded tired but happy! You had on Cathy's old school adidas t-shirt... And I felt lucky to get to break the news to everybody.
That night my parents drank a toast to your new bambinos.
Like Jade said, give those little rascals an ear nibble from their cousin Em.