Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Töltött Káposzta (Stuffed Cabbage)

As far as Hungarian cooks go, I'm well down the list, but when given fresh cabbage from Jim Orban's garden I had to make some of the good stuff. I added fresh pork sausage with the neck bones 'cause we had 'em.
Seems like we used to call this meal something like "podadishamu-kapu-shta".

Anyhow, a fitting meal for the day.


mom & pops said...

OH how good that looks!!! Thanks for sharing the name, too. I remember those words.

tinman said...

Well, google has helped me solve the riddle; paradicsomos is Hungarian for tomato,so paradicsomos káposzta means something like cabbage in tomato sauce. Guess we garbled the language pretty badly as children.