Saturday, August 16, 2008

Check your brakes!

Paul has aquired the necessary documentation and bribed.....errr, convinced the DMV he has the skills to navigate our public roadways. He proudly purchased this car within the first week and now takes himself and his sis to & from school each day. Of course with this new found independence comes unexpected responsibility ("Paul, go to the corner Git & Go for some smokes and a six pack!") which he thus far accepts with a minimum of teenage, under his breath, grumbling. Seriously, though, as nervous as the whole thing makes me, I'm proud of his choice of a modest, smart vehicle and he seems to take my repetitive, fatherly drving advice to heart.


tinman said...

Way to go Paul. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled!

Greenrok said...

Very cool, Congrats! Let me know when he's ready to make a trip east bound.

pakrboy said...

Hey, Jade, Paul would like nothing better than a road trip w/o Dad or Mom RIGHT NOW! I'm thinking by next summer he'll have earned enough trust (and gas money) to head out on a grand adventure.

Greenrok said...

Our welcome mat is always out if he's "driven" eastward.

nuh dah ay gay he said...

wow...unbeleivable. that is too cool