Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More of the Same...Not Quite!

Another clear view sky and great sky to view.Had to opt for a wider angle lens for this shot, as the moon is tracking to the SE.
  In a few days Mercury and Venus will close in on each other and pass in the night, then Mercury fades from sight.


Greenrok said...

Another awesome capture. This feels like drinking in summer. Nice work.

tinman said...

And we're getting a little taste of summer before it actually arrives,clear skies, mid 90's. Great for night sky watching.

Greenrok said...

Sultry here as well. Nice this weekend but earlier this week mid-90's and 70% humidity. Sweating from just thinking about it. We have so much vegetative growth and trees (think Degobah system) that without a little night time travel we don't get these views. Thanks for brining them to our living room. Much enjoyed.