Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sure do miss you every day.  Love Mom


mom & pops said...

We miss Jaime too. We have some wonderful memories of her, and she is always in our thoughts.

Love to you all,
D & J

Hawk said...

Jaime changed us all. her life made us smile. her death left an infinite emptiness in our hearts.we will always hold dear the memories of her.

nuh dah ay gay he said...

tugs at my heart. today was a beautiful day for beautiful memories. love mo

Cara O. said...

Was thinking about Jaime on her birthday, but like Kale's birthday, didn't get to the computer in time.

I try to honor her memory by living in joy and gratitude, as she would do.

pakrboy said...

She was really something, guys. Surely a reflection of how well you lived, loved and parented through all her years. I'm so proud to have known her and to know that you keep her spirit alive in your continued amazing lives.