Thursday, December 31, 2009

Time Capsule

Ten years ago while hoarding bottled water,toilet paper and other essentials to survive the millennium bug we also stowed various items in a time capsule to be opened at the end of the decade. Most everyone who was in attendance at our tree burning/new years party that year placed something in the capsule.
We'll open the container this weekend and take a look back. I'll post more info about what's inside in a few days. If anybody wants to drop by and take a look just come on by.


pakrboy said...

Holy crap, so THAT's where I left my pager!

Cara O. said...

Hee hee, the Millenium bug. 10 years ago, I was cashiering at the Claremore Wal-Mart and folks were scrambling to load up on toilet paper and bottled water before the store closed early on New Year's Eve. 10 years later, and our computers are still safe for blogging and whatnot.

Happy new year, let's hope it's a good one without any fear.

Anonymous said...

did i get to put anything in it?

tinman said...

Don't know Ivy,we'll find out.